Running happy at the 2018 IAU Trail Running World Championship in Penyagalosa Spain. Image by Kirsten Kirsten Kortebein
Several years ago I took a personality test for an employer and my results said that I am intuitive, a leader, a learner, determined and hard working. It also said that I can be arrogant, judgmental and overly analytical. Normally, I don’t put too much stock in things that try to categorize me, but I thought it was a fairly accurate description of my personality. I think it also gives pretty good insight into why I love mountain-ultra-trail running so much. First and foremost, every training cycle, every race, every new route is an opportunity to learn and be humbled. There’s nothing like that first workout back after time off from running to knock self-confidence and arrogance down a few notches and provide a dose of humility. The endless options for places to explore on foot offer a unique opportunity for self-exploration and finding new limits to push. Running rewards hard work, and trail running especially provides a unique opportunity to call upon different skills to compete in, finish or win a race. I am competitive, and sure I like winning, but I want to be doing this forever. I strive to find balance between the rigors of training for MUT events, working full time to try to save the environment as a sustainability consultant and actively participating in the important relationships in my life.