Boston Training Week 13 Re-Cap.. Peak Week. It's All Downhill From Here


I survived. I didn't keep track in college but seeing as I was a 5k runner and not a marathon I feel pretty confident in saying that this week was the highest mileage I have ever logged. I ran 62 miles this week and considering 6 days of running and some pretty high temps, I feel fairly good. I did develop some discomfort in the outside of my left arch on today's recovery run, and that has me a little worried because I have never had any pain in my foot before. Tomorrow is my rest day and I have an appointment with my acupuncturist before she heads off for vacation for 10 days (what's with all my healers leaving me??) so hopefully that will sort it out. I am really looking forward to a slightly more relaxed week and testing out my marathon pace at the Oakland Half marathon on Sunday. My mom will be here and is staying for the race. It's kind of a big deal because she has never seen me run. My dad was with me in Boston the year of the bombing and got to see me charging struggling up heartbreak hill, but my mom couldn't come because she had class. I a pretty excited for her to experience a November Project cheer station too! This week was the embodiment of making the hard days harder and making the easy days easier. I knew I had 3 really hard days this week, so the other 3 days of running were super easy.

Monday Rest glorious rest.

Tuesday 2 mile warm up, 3 x 2 mile - 800 m recovery (12:55, 12:50, 12:51), 2 mile cool down. The track seems to be the only place where things are going my way. Did PT and core exercises at home as well.

Wednesday 4 miles easy, 2 miles at NP

Thursday: 2 mile warm up, 3 x 3 mile progression (#RowlandTempo) 2 miles cool down. Decided to do this one at the track and it went really well. I was too fast for the first set though and definitely felt it in my legs for the last one. Damn this was a hard workout.

Friday: 4 miles easy to restorative yoga. Restorative yoga.. felt amazing.. followed by lots of Thai food.

Saturday: 20 miles at 7:38 avg. Included a cpl 800 m marathon pace intervals in the last 2 miles but it was sure a struggle to maintain that 7:30 - 7:40 pace. High temps, super tired legs and experimenting with carrying a water bottle (I hate it btw) made it a tough day. Ice bath, chocolate milk and a turkey sandwich all provided by my amazing husband made it better though.

Sunday: Easy 6.5 on the trail. Tried to keep it mostly flat but the few hills I did encounter felt like mount Everest. Developed pain in the outside of the arch in my left foot.. hrm.

Next week is all about recovery. I need to do lots of yoga, foam rolling and PT. I only have 2 hard days so I need to make them count and really recuperate.